26.10 Elenas Workshop
We did a research workshop goal of which was to create collection idea based on given subject. My groups subject was 'lipstick'. After brainstorming we ended up doing our collection about the history of lipstick, from ancient Sumer to this day.
2.10 Gasworks gallery visit: Zach Blas: Contra-Internet
Visit at Gasworks Gallery was interesting, exhibitions centerpiece was a short film that consisted of past, present and utopic future. It included live action, CGI and items that were presented in the room audience was in. Exhibitions side room had other pieces that addressed different internet phenomenons. These works also describe how pictures and texts in the internet are manipulated.
The Archive
Stuart Hall Library Visit 19.10
Library visit in Shoreditch offered chance to get to know what the
Stuart Hall Library had to offer as a possible archive. The presentation given by the library staff at the start of our visit was interesting. The Library itself, while interesting, didn't offer anything that inspired me to use it as a archive for my artwork. What I found while browsing the books was just information of other artwork and nothing really to base my work on.
The British Museum
British Museum (established in 1753) has wide collection of artifacts from different cultures from ancient times to this day. Their collections are either build around country and time or in some special cases they have collection that is build around a certain subject.
I am interested about history and therefore this was an obvious choice for me
Relational aesthetics
"A set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space"
Damien Hirst
English artist whose most famous works are "The physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living", where he preserved a Tiger shark in a glass box, and "For the Love of God", in which he made a titanium old of a human skull which he then got embedded with diamonds. He has often been commented on his overly expensive artworks.
Art as Anthropology
Artist have had a great influence in exploring humans and different cultures. In most cases this comes through as ability to see things from a totally new perspective and to see different cultures as equals to each other.
Sometimes these two terms are hard to separate from each other as many artists have done projects more closer to humanitarian work than artwork.
Then again these artists have used their voice and skills to bring humanitarian issues to light via the work they've done.
My research Question is....
What would a modern person take with them to the afterlife?
Remember your Death
Living and Dying in the Contemporary World A Compendium
Death, dying, and religious practice in eighteenth-century Puerto Rico
Beyond the Good Death : The Anthropology of Modern Dying